At the Closing Session of the World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa

Remarks by His Majesty King Abdullah II

At the Closing Session of the World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa

JordanDead Sea
26 May 2013

In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Compassionate,

Professor Schwab,
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen:

Thank you all, for making this a successful and productive Forum.

Our region has a destination today: a strong and stable future in which all our people can thrive. And you and so many others, across our countries, are the pathfinders.

We need a wide path, a sure path, welcoming millions of people to move forward.

This is Jordan's choice. Our inclusive, consensual approach is proven. In the economy, Jordan's reform policies have earned global support. Look soon for even more international recognition of our sound investment policies. These and other steps are opening new opportunity for all, especially our young people.

Across the region, the potential to bring about real positive change is unprecedented: let us stay the course together. In every country, in every sector, we are seeing new innovation and enterprise. Let's tackle our remaining challenges and create the opportunities, institutions, and better living conditions people everywhere deserve.

This Forum has also provided a platform for a creative initiative to support efforts to relaunch Palestinian-Israeli negotiations. Your engagement - people-to-people; private-sector to private-sector; regional and international - can help break the impasse. And today, you injected your input directly into the hard work that Secretary Kerry and the key parties have been doing to relaunch final-status negotiations. Politicians’ efforts need your energy to achieve a two-state solution based on the Arab Peace Initiative. Let's help the parties get on with it.

The highest global engagement is also essential to end the Syrian crisis. It is time to show, as well as say, that the world will not condone the destruction and dislocation. The world community must pull together for an immediate end to the violence, and a political solution that lets the Syrian people rebuild their future.

Refugee hosts like Jordan, and homeless Syrians inside and outside their country, urgently need global support. Humanitarian aid has been overwhelmed by increased refugee flows. In Jordan, public services and budget resources are being strained. In some places in our north, water - so scarce in our country - is running short. I speak on behalf of Jordanians across my country affected by the burden of refugees: The world must step up to its responsibilities and get more help flowing, now.

My friends,
Some destinations are global. Peace, security, the environment, economic stability and growth: these are vital interests for all of us.

You and your counterparts around the region are helping to set the direction. Your partnerships will help build the path. I wish you God Speed and great success.

Thank you.