King attends opening of new Suez Canal

06 August 2015

His Majesty King Abdullah on Thursday took part in the inauguration ceremony of the extension project of the Suez Canal in El Ismailia city in Egypt, considered one of the most important projects in Egypt and the Middle East.

King Abdullah, congratulated Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi on the opening of the new canal, deemed an important economic project for Egypt and the region as well as an achievement by the Egyptian leadership in its endeavours to boost Egypt’s development.

His Majesty, along with several other world leaders and top officials, attended the ceremony, which started with the national anthem and included an address by the Egyptian president in which he said the mega-project came in continuation of Egypt's ongoing development drive.

The canal inauguration included a naval show carried out by units from the Egyptian marine forces as well as air shows, followed by a documentary on the history of the current and the new canal.

Royal Court Chief Fayez Tarawneh, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Judeh, King’s Office Director Jafar Hassan and Jordan’s Ambassador to Egypt Bishr Khasawneh attended the launch ceremony.