Royal Decree approves Cabinet reshuffle
© أرشيف الديوان الملكي الهاشمي
© Royal Hashemite Court Archives
A Royal Decree was issued on Sunday, approving a reshuffle of Prime Minister Hani Mulki’s Cabinet.
The Decree approved the appointment of the following:
1. Jamal Sarayrah as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Prime Ministry Affairs
2. Jafar Hassan as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Economic Affairs
3. Ali Ghezawi as Minister of Water and Irrigation
4. Samir Murad as Minister of Labour
5. Nayef Al Fayez as Minister of Environment
6. Bashir Rawashdeh as Minister of Youth
7. Samir Mubaideen as Minister of Interior
8. Abdul Nasser Abul Basal as Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs
9. Ahmad Oweidi as Minister of State for Legal Affairs
The ministers were sworn in before His Majesty King Abdullah at Al Husseiniya Palace in a ceremony attended by Prime Minister Hani Mulki and Royal Hashemite Court Chief Fayez Tarawneh.
King Abdullah also received the resigning ministers and thanked them for their efforts.
A Royal Decree had been issued approving the resignation of the following:
1. Mamdouh Abbadi, Minister of State for Prime Ministry Affairs
2. Hazem Nasser, Minister of Water and Irrigation
3. Ghaleb Zu'bi, Minister of Interior
4. Ali Ghezawi, Minister of Labour
5. Yaseen Khayyat, Minister of Environment
6. Wael Arabiyat, Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs
7. Bisher Khasawneh, Minister of State for Legal Affairs
8. Hadithah Khreisha, Minister of Youth