Royal Committee members appointed

31 January 2005

A Royal Decree was issued on Monday appointing members of the Royal Committee tasked with studying and presenting proposals to implement the Royal vision included in His Majesty King Abdullah's address to the nation last week.

In a televised speech on Wednesday, King Abdullah announced plans to decentralize local government by redrawing provincial administrations that are to be run by publicly elected local councils with the goal of expanding “the base of public participation in that process.”

The appointed members are: Senate President Zeid Rifai, Senator Fayez Tarawneh, MP Abdur-Ra'uf S. Rawabdeh, Lower House Speaker Abdul Hadi Majali, King's Special Adviser Aqel Biltaji, former Deputy Prime Minister Marwan Hmoud, former Interior Minister Rajai Dajani, former Deputy Prime Minister Awad Khleifat, MP Mamdouh Abbadi, former Justice Minister Hisham Tal, former Interior Minister Nayef Qadi, and Jordan River Foundation Director General Maha Khatib.