New Senate House Formed

17 November 2003

A royal decree was issued on Monday dismantling the Senate House and a new house was formed under another royal decree.

The following dignitaries are appointed members of the new 55-member House of Senators as of Nov. 17:

Zeid Rifai

Abdel Salam Majali
Fayez Tarawneh

Ali Abul Ragheb

Marwan Al Hmud

Rajaei Muasher

Mrs. Ina'am Mufti

Mrs. Laila Sharaf

Hisham Sharari

Yusef Hamdan Al Jaber

Awad Khleifat

Yanal Hekmat

Jamal Khreishah

Abdel Razzaq Tbeishat

Aref Batayneh

Fawaz Abul Ghanam

Abdel Razzaq Al-Nsur

Tawfiq Kreishan

Nader Theirat

Mrs. Salwa Al Masri

Saed Eddine Juma'h

Nayef Al Qadi

Saleh Al Qallaab

Abdel Rahim Ekur

Mustafa Al Qaisi

Trad Al Fayez

Ruwaidah Ma'aytah

Abdel Hafez Meri Ka'abneh
Mrs. Subheyah Ma'ani
Kaseb Al Jazi -Issa Al Reimuni
Hani Kheir

Haider Murad
Mustafa Al Fayad
Asem Ghusheh
Fathi Abu Taleb
Zeid Zreiqat
Fawaz Abu Tayeh
Jawdat Meheisen
Faleh Taweel

Abed Mosa Al Nahar
Osama Malkawi
Yusef Shraydeh
Ayed Adayleh
Mohammad Azaydeh

Adel Haddad

Basel Mufti

Zeyad Sharayheh

Kleib Al Fawaz

Tareq Masarweh
Nabil Mashini
Jehad Mumani
Mrs. May Abu Samen
Wejdan Al Saket.

Another royal decree was issued appointing Zeid Rifai President of the new Senate House as of Nov. 17.