The King's visit to US focused on supporting Palestinian issue

13 May 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Tuesday returned home following a working visit to USA where he stressed on mobilizing support to the Palestinian issue and clarifying the Arab stand supportive to Just, comprehensive and durable peace, in addition to cementing bilateral relations of cooperation between Jordan and USA in the various fields, particularly, supporting Jordan's national economy and economic reform program.

During the visit, where Her Majesty Queen Rania accompanied him, King Abdullah II was keen, on highlighting with President Bush and senior American officials the dangers facing the region due to the Israeli consistent aggression against the Palestinian people and not achieving a comprehensive settlement in the Middle East.

His Majesty explained the framework on which negotiations should be carried out by tackling all issues within a timetable that would lead to the establishment of Palestinian state. He pointed out that elimination of violence requires solution of conflict rather than its management , and focusing on the final targets and peace principals . He stressed that negotiating the final status issues should be within a reasonable time that would envision Madrid, Losville, Washington and Beirut.

During his meetings with American officials, His Majesty stressed the importance of USA active involvement to help reach just and comprehensive solution with the participation of Europe and other international parties.

The King pointed out that the active American role in the Middle East is indispensable not only for directing the Israelis and Palestinians towards how to get out of conflict, but also to protect the vital and national interests of USA and its allies. His Majesty stressed that just settlement can achieve security and tackle the Issue of Jerusalem to be a city open for all religions.

In this regard, King Abdullah II stressed the importance of any further ideas should rely on the peace terms of reference represented in the relevant Security council's resolutions. He highlighted the necessity to transform the visions of peace into tangible reality that would revive hope.

His Majesty stressed that the establishment of independent Palestinian state and solving all political problems will end violence and counter violence.

During his meeting with President Bush, King Abdullah II urged the American administration for more active intervention to help get the region out of the crisis it is living currently, and to take rapid steps for the resumption of peace negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis.

During his meeting with Vice President Cheney, King Abdullah II stressed that the sole way to stop the circle of violence lies in Israel implementation of the Security Council resolutions and admitting the Palestinian people's right, in the forefront the establishment of their independent state.

The King's meeting with Defense Secretary Ramsfield focused on bilateral relations between the two countries and Washington's assistance to the Jordanian Armed forces. Ramsfield hailed the Jordanian Armed Forces' role in keeping peace in the various parts of the world.

His Majesty's remarks, during his and Her Majesty Queen Rania's meeting with representatives of Arab organizations in Washington, reflected the extent of political confrontation between Arabs and Israel pertaining the American public opinion. His Majesty urged the Arab organizations to intensify and coordinate efforts to explain the Arab issues.

His Majesty pointed to the necessity of finding an "Arab lobby" to support Arab issues and causes and urge USA to take balanced policy concerning the Middle East region.

The King's talks with Secretary of State Colin Powell focused on the American proposal to hold an international conference with the participation of all parties to solve the Middle East crisis. Powell hailed His Majesty's role and ideas pertaining convening the conference.

King Abdullah urged for adopting clear steps and a timetable to solve the Middle East problem. He stressed that Jordan supports every step leading to end the Israeli occupation ,to establish independent Palestinian state and to achieve comprehensive peace that ensures rights of all parties.

In his remarks to mass media, His Majesty stressed the importance to transcend action and counter reaction style, which contributed to the consistent circle of violence and counter violence and hindered the peace process. His Majesty pointed out that returning to the negotiations table is the sole means to break the circle of violence. He said that the establishment of a Palestinian state on Palestinian soil should be carried out in a reasonable period of time to be agreed upon by all parties. If talking about the establishment of Palestinian state is to last for ten or fifteen coming years, we will not advance forward at all, he affirmed.

In his remarks, His Majesty focused on how to set a vision for a series of reasonable vision to make Palestinians and Israelis closer. He stressed the necessity that these steps should be based on the Arab peace initiative.

His Majesty urged for engagement in peace that would tackle the Palestinians and Israelis' fears and concerns, isolated from the will or desire of leaderships and focusing on proper practical results.

His Majesty's talks with Secretary of Budget Paul Onell focused on the economic relations between the two countries, and coordinating the mechanism by which Washington acts to support Jordan's reform and development efforts through additional aid US government offers this year and the coming years.

The discussions focused also on means of US support to Jordan's efforts to attain the debtor countries agreement within Paris club to reschedule the Kingdom's debts.