King's Interview with Alarabiyya

03 August 2004

His Majesty King Abdullah II has said the Palestinian people alone have the right to choose their leadership or change it and Jordan will always respect the choice or decision taken by the Palestinians.

"The Palestinian people is the only party that can choose its own leadership or change it. We have always been and will remain respectful and supportive of any choice or decision taken by the Palestinian people," King Abdullah said in an interview with Alarabiyya satellite channel aired tonight.

The King called upon the Palestinian leadership "to conduct a comprehensive and bold revision to many of the facts on the Palestinian arena, and correct some of the mistakes which the world take as justifications for blaming the Palestinian side."

King Abdullah wished that the Palestinian leadership define clearly what they want and to surprise us from time to time with decisions that accept what was reject in the past.

"We wish the Palestinian leadership would determine for us clearly, what it wants, and not to surprise us every now and then with decisions and acceptance of issues it had rejected in the past," the King said.

"It is regretful to see that what was rejected previously, and what the acceptance of which was considered a treason in the past, has regrettably become for some, a requirement and great achievement," the King added.

Referring to tourist groups who are killing innocent people in the name of Islam, the King said "we must assert that killing an innocent person, or an unarmed person, is a criminal act, and totally rejected, regardless of the identity, or religion of the killer and or that of the victim."

"When a small group of Moslems slaughters a hostage, or makes an explosion that harms many innocent victims, the West must know that this group doesn't represent Islam or Moslems. When some coalition soldiers kill some innocent people, or torture some prisoners, that group does not as well represent the nation, religion or civilization that these soldiers belong to," the King added.

"Our duty as Moslems is to present to the world the true image of Islam, in terms of its being a religion of tolerance and openness, one that rejects all forms of terrorism, violence, and aggression. It is also our duty to cooperate amongst ourselves and with others, to put an end to these terrorists, to foil their criminal plans, plotted to distort the image of Islam," King Abdullah said. Once again, the King stands against sending troops to Iraq.

"I have said from the beginning, that we are not the right party, nor the one that should undertake this role. As we stated before, we do not want to replace an Israeli tank in Palestine with a Jordanian one, here too," King Abdullah said.