Kings Delivers Speech at the UN 2005 World Summit

16 September 2005

His Majesty King Abdullah II on Friday called for the continuation of building a new vision for a new age where the basics of life and peace are available for all nations of the world.

In a speech at the United Nations 2005 World Summit in New York, the King recalled that five years ago, “world leaders met here to declare a new vision for a new age”, during the Millennium Summit, stressing that they acted not a moment too soon, but it came at a time where humanity witnessed “the dangers of a global system that excludes people - especially youth - from opportunity and hope”.

His Majesty added that ''The people of the world are looking to us: to bring our nations together, to act with urgency, and to achieve results''. King Abdullah noted that Jordan achieved tangible progress towards achieving the eight goals of development set by the Millennium Summit, and achieved gains in the fields of poverty reduction, health, education, gender equality, the environment and more. His Majesty considered the challenges as real and added that there is still much to be done, ''This effort is only part of Jordan's much larger national strategy, a comprehensive, inclusive approach to reform and development'' he added. ''One critical step is to ensure zero tolerance towards those who promote extremism'' said King Abdullah, who also added that Jordan has worked with the international Muslim community to oppose extremist interpretations of Islam.