King welcomes election of new Pope

20 April 2005

His Majesty King Abdullah on Wednesday welcomed the election of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI as the new pope of the Roman Catholic Church succeeding the late John Paul II.

In a cable to His Holiness, His Majesty said: "We are confident of your ability and wisdom to continue on the path of your predecessor with strong will and well-rooted belief to realize world peace and social justice."

"Her Majesty Queen Rania joins me in congratulating you and we are confident that your Holiness will spare no effort to strengthen the values of human dignity and love," the King said.

On April 8, His Majesty King Abdullah and Her Majesty Queen Rania attended His Holiness Pope John Paul II's funeral. Their Majesties' participation came in recognition of His Holiness' great contribution to spread tolerance and human rights throughout the world as well as bring together followers of different religions.