King Visits Irbed Governorate

11 April 2004

His Majesty King Abdullah II Sunday
said speeding measures to hand over power to the Iraqis and expand their
participation in running their affairs would put an end to the deteriorating
security in Iraq.

During a meeting with dignitaries and public figures in Irbed in
northern Jordan, King Abdullah expressed his pain and sorrow over the
killing of innocent civilians in acts of violence in Fallujah and other
Iraqi cities.

The future of Iraq should be in the hands of the Iraqis and the
international community should be more concerned than ever in helping
the Iraqi people rebuild their institutions and run the affairs of their
country, King Abdullah said.

The King said his coming visit to the U.S. this week would assert
Jordan's position calling for the necessity to end the Palestinian-Israeli
conflict and to make sure that Israel's pullout from Gaza Strips would
not be an alternative to the roadmap peace plan.

The sole solution to the state of instability in the region is ending
Israel's occupation and establishing the independent Palestinian state,
King Abdullah said.

During the meeting, attended by Prime Minister and a number of
cabinet ministers, King Abdullah declared a comprehensive development
plan for Irbed governorate to the improve the area's infrastructure and
public services to local citizens. The King hoped a development housing
project will be implemented in Irbed similar to major projects in Amman
and Zarka.

He said Jordan is going ahead in the reform process to achieve
political development in which all parties participate. Reform process
can only be completed with the emergence of strong political parties with
valid and reallistic service programs, King Abdullah said
During the meeting held over a lunchen, King Abdullah listened
to problems raised by local citizens regarding poverty and unemployment
and agriculutral issues.