King urges tribal leaders to study their communities' needs, suggest solutions

12 March 2006

His Majesty King Abdullah on Sunday emphasized the need for Jordanians to take part in the decision-making process and contribute practical strategies to alleviate economic problems in the Kingdom.

During a meeting with tribal leaders and notables from Al Ajarmeh, Al Thawabieh and Bliwi tribes, the King urged them to study their communities' needs and suggest solutions, especially for poverty and unemployment.

"The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the issues of the country and its people, and the problems faced by the Jordanian community, in order to set mechanisms and joint visions towards them," King Abdullah told the tribal leaders, pointing out the important role each citizen can play in developing and advancing the country.

His Majesty the King said recruiting limited numbers of jobless citizens would not solve poverty and unemployment, noting that solving these problems requires strategies and projects.

The King also reiterated the importance of vocational training and the involvement of young people in such programmes.

King Abdullah's meeting with the tribes is part of his meetings with the Jordanian community to listen to their issues of concern and discuss them.

The tribal leaders, who are either military or civil pensioners, stressed their readiness to actively participate in enhancing development.

They reviewed their demands and concerns, which included reducing the plight of farmers, creating poverty and unemployment alleviation projects, and upgrading the educational system and health services in their regions.

Prime Minister Marouf Bakhit, Royal Court Chief Salem Turk and the King's Adviser for Tribal Affairs Fawaz Ben Zaben Abdullah attended the meeting.

Prior to the meeting with the King, Bakhit met with the tribal leaders, listened to their problems and pledged to solve them.

The Jordan Times