King says national goals require profound dialogue

09 February 2005

A Royal Decree issued Wednesday tasked a 26-member team with setting the guidelines for a comprehensive development process during the coming ten years.

The Steering Committee for the National Agenda is chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Prime Ministry Affairs and Government Performance Marwan Muasher.

His Majesty King Abdullah told Prime Minister Faisal Fayez in a letter Wednesday that the national agenda entails objectives that embody the overall national vision and sets programmes, strategies and policies, to which successive governments will be committed.

King Abdullah stressed that drafting and determining the national goals must be the result of a “profound dialogue that takes into account the contributions of all Jordanians from governmental and nongovernmental institutions.”

These goals will determine the features of "our march" for the coming 10 years, the King said. The formation of the committee is the first step in efforts to be completed within next September.

“We have to assert here that our keenness on achieving comprehensive development, whose positive effects are reflected on the living standards of the society, depends basically on the degree of our success in facing the socio-economic challenges,” King Abdullah said.

Although accuracy and high quality in drafting the agenda and the wording of envisioned objectives are important, according to the letter, implementation and a sound evaluation mechanism are key elements in the entire process.

“This naturally requires a competent government apparatus that believes in joint action directed at achieving the envisaged goals,” His Majesty said, adding such apparatus should adopt competence, merit and accountability as integral principles in its performance.

Members of the Steering Committee for the National Agenda:

1.Former Prime Minister Taher Masri.

2. Minister of Planning and International Cooperation and President of Socio-Economic Development Committee Bassem Awadallah

3. Minister of Justice and President of the Legal Committee Salah Bashir

4. Minister of Education and President of Human Resources Committee Khalid Touqan

5. Senator and rapporteur of the Senate's Financial and Economic Affairs Committee Rajai Muasher

6. Former Education and Higher Education Minister Mohammad Hamdan

7. Senator and rapporteur of the Senate's Administrative Affairs Committee Jamal Khreishah

8. Senator and rapporteur of Senate's Environment, Health and Social Development Committee Aref Batayneh

9. Former Deputy Prime Minister Rima Khalaf

10. Deputy and president of House's Financial and Economic Affairs Committee Hashem Dabbas

11. Former Minister Abdul Latif Arabiyat

12. Chairman of the Jordan Radio and Television Corporation's Board of Directors and Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan Mustafa Hamarneh

13.Senator and rapporteur of the Senate's Legal Affairs Committee Osama Malkawi

14. Deputy and President of House's Legal Committee Ghaleb Zu'bi

15. Deputy and President of the House's Labour and Social Development Committee Musa Khalayleh

16. Deputy and President of House's Administrative Committee Salamah Ghweiri

17. Dheeb Marji

18. Mohammad Elayyan

19. Director General of the Jordan River Foundation Maha Khatib

20. Nuha Maaitah

21. Nawal Faouri

22. Chief editor of Ad Dustour daily Osama Sharif

23. Marwan Juma

24. Munif Hijazi

25. Fadi Ghandour

26. Nadia Bushnaq