King, Saudi Crown Prince talk bilateral, regional issues

19 July 2005

His Majesty King Abdullah on Tuesday returned after a several-hour visit to Saudi Arabia, where he held talks with Crown Prince Abdullah on bilateral cooperation and regional issues.

His Majesty and Prince Abdullah urged a unified Palestinian stand and said the Palestinian Authority and some factions should solve their differences to avoid affecting the Palestinian cause and rights.

They also reiterated their support for the PA and its efforts to enforce law and build institutions to serve the Palestinian people.

Both sides stressed the importance of maintaining the Palestinian-Israeli truce and warned against destroying the peace process.

On Iraq, the King and Prince Abdullah said Jordan and Saudi Arabia back the neighbouring country's unity and stability.

During the visit, King Abdullah was reassured on the health of King Fahd, currently receiving treatment at a Saudi hospital.

Wishing King Fahd a speedy recovery, His Majesty appreciated Saudi Arabia's assistance to Jordan over the past years.

The Jordan Times