King Returns Home Following Talks with Saudi Monarch

10 January 2004

His Majesty King Abdullah II returned home Saturday following a brief visit to Saudi Arabia during which he held talks with King Fahed of Saudi Arabia and Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Bin Abdel Aziz on the situation in the Palestinian areas, the future of Iraq and bilateral relations.

During the talks King Abdullah and Saudi Crown Prince brought
to focus the grave situation in the Palestinian areas in the wake
of Israel's escalated measures against the Palestinian people including
assassination and incursion into Palestinian towns and villages together
with the building of the separation wall in the occupied West Bank.

In light of this escalation and the stalemated peace talks, King Abdullah
and Saudi Crown Prince stressed the necessity for intensive Arab efforts
to reinvigorate the peace process and drum up support for the Arab
peace initiative, launched at Beirut Arab summit two years ago. The
two sides affirmed that the separation wall, currently built by Israel
undermines any chance for establishing the independent Palestinian
state and threatens Jordan's security. They also affirmed that peace
and stability in the region are contingent with restoring the legitimate
Arab rights, Israel's pullout from the Palestinian land occupied in
1967 and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

The King and Prince Abdullah agreed to continue consultation
and coordination with Egypt and other Arab countries on the situation
in Palestine and other Arab cause ahead of the upcoming Arab summit
scheduled in Tunis next March.

Jordan's Foreign Minister Marwan Muasher, who accompanied
King Abdullah on the visit, will go back to Saudi Arabia on mid of
this month to complete talks on issues he discussed with his Saudi
counterpart Prince Faisal Bin Abdel Aziz.

The talks, which were attended by the delegation accompanying
King Abdullah and senior Saudi officials, touched upon the situation
in Iraq where the two sides stressed the necessity to speed up measures
to give power to the Iraqi people and enable them to establish a national
government that represents all Iraqis.

The two sides also discussed ways to enhance bilateral relations
in all fields. King Abdullah expressed deep thanks to Saudi Arabia
for supporting Jordan in economic and political spheres.