King Returns Home

17 June 2004

His Majesty King Abdullah II returned home after an official visit to the United States that began with his participation in the G-8 Summit, which was held at the Sea Island resort in Georgia.

The King described his participation in the Sea Island Summit as fruitful.

The summit laid the foundations for a new partnership for progress, peace development and stability in the Middle East.

In remarks during the G-8 meetings, His Majesty said that the commitment of the G-8 countries to reach a just and comprehensive settlement to the Palestinian issue, and bring about stability to Iraq, will support reforms in the region and ensure their success.

The King also called for a plan for the region similar to the US Marshal plan for Europe with a view to develop the region, for financial and technical support are necessary to achieve stability in the region and guarantee sustainable development.

In his speech before the Economic Club of Chicago and the Chicago Council of Foreign Relations, King Abdullah affirmed the need to think of a Marshal plan for the Middle East, for the rise in unemployment and poverty which are accompanied by a state of despair and frustration due to the failure to achieve just and permanent solution for the Palestinian issue, are major obstacles to prosperity and stability in the region.

His Majesty affirmed that nobody could be hopeful of a genuine future in the Middle East unless a solution is found for the Palestinian issue.

The Palestinian issue topped the agenda of the King's talks with the US President George Bush. The King stressed the importance of a comprehensive Israeli withdrawal form the Gaza Strip that would constitute a first step towards a withdrawal from the West Bank, leading to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

Both sides expressed satisfaction over efforts being exerted by the international community to create a suitable climate for the resumption of the political process between the Palestinian and Israelis.

During his visit, the King also met with US Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Advisor, Condaleezza Rice, Foreign Secretary, Colin Powell and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

His Majesty also met with leaders of the US Congress to explain Jordan's views on the major issues in the Middle East and to discuss bilateral ties, with a view to support internal reforms and achieve sustainable development.

King Abdullah also met with chairman and members of the Appropriation Committee at the US Congress and Chairmen of the Foreign Relations Committee at the two houses to discuss the US aid to Jordan for next year as well as the Palestinian and Iraqi causes.

His Majesty reviewed Jordan's developmental needs for the coming two years to continue economic and social reforms and improve the standards of living of citizens.

A number of US Congressmen expressed admiration of Jordan's reform projects in the fields of education, higher education and training as well as the participation of the private sector in the economic developments process.

Chairman of the Appropriation Committee expressed the committee's readiness to help Jordan in fulfilling its developmental needs as much as possible.

His Majesty was accompanied by a delegation that included the King's Advisor for Security Affairs, and head of the Intelligence Department, General Saeed Kheir, His Majesty's Special Advisor, Yousef Dalabeeh, Minister of the Hashemite Royal Court, Sameer Rifai, the King's Advisor, Akil Beltaji, Foreign Minister, Dr. Marwan Muasher, Planning and International Cooperation Minister, Dr. Bassim Awadallah and Jordan's ambassador to the US Karim Qawar.

Four students accompanied His Majesty during his visit to Washington to look into efforts being exerted by the King to improve the standards of living of Jordanians and to defend the Arab causes.

In Chicago, His Majesty met with two Jordanian students who have been chosen by the US Achievement Academy during this year's conference as excelling students.

King Abdullah expressed appreciation for the distinguished efforts of the two students and their leadership characteristics which drew the attention of the academy.