King Receives US President

04 June 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II received on Wednesday in Bait Al Bahr at Aqaba US President George W. Bush and discussed with him the ongoing efforts that aim to push the peace process in the Middle East.

The King valued the US President's commitment and the US efforts which aim to implement the roadmap, establish a Palestinain state and find a comprehensive settlement to the Arab- Israeli conflict.

The King hoped that the Aqaba summit can lead to commitment of all parties to implementing the roadmap.

For his part, the US President expressed his personal appreciation to Jordan's efforts under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah II, and he affirmed the importance of Aqaba summit to achieve tangible progress in the peace process by starting the implementation of the roadmap.

During the meeting which was attended by a number of Jordanian and American Senior Officials, the two sides also discussed the bilateral relations and the US support to Jordan and the horizons of establishing Joint Projects between the two countries.

Regarding the Iraqi issue, the King affirmed the importance of maintaining the unity and sovereignty of Iraq and the right of its people to choose their national leadership and chart their future.