King receives letter from Chairman of the Joint Chiefs-of-Staff

05 October 2016

His Majesty King Abdullah, the Supreme Commander of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army (JAF), on Wednesday received a reply from Chairman of the Joint Chiefs-of-Staff Maj. Gen. Mahmoud Freihat to the Royal letter sent on Monday.

In his letter to King Abdullah, Freihat pledged to undertake his duties as army chief responsibly, especially amidst turbulent regional conditions and the instability in neighbouring countries, which is causing increasing violence and terrorism.

The current conditions have imposed challenges on the Kingdom and the army in the economic, social and security fields, the army chief said, adding that Jordan has been able to maintain its safety and stability thanks to His Majesty’s wisdom and the awareness of Jordanians.

Freihat said that in the next few days, he will revise all issues related to improving and upgrading JAF’s capabilities, through organisation, training, arming and planning, taking the necessary measures to that end.

Action will also be taken to boost the capabilities of the Border Guards and other army units, he noted.

A Royal Decree was issued on Sunday appointing Freihat as chairman of the Joint Chiefs-of-Staff and another decree was issued referring King’s Military Adviser and outgoing army chief Gen. Mashal Al Zaben to retirement as of Sunday, while a third decree appointed him as military adviser to the King.

In his letter to Freihat, King Abdullah ordered a review of modernisation requirements for the army and a restructure of its command.

The King cited the war on terror as the drive behind the envisioned changes.

The Supreme Commander urged working out proper mechanisms to “guarantee the most adequate levels of coordination between all security agencies”, stressing the need to modernise the capabilities of the Border Guards.

Moreover, he said, it is vital to continue boosting the efficiency and morale of the JAF personnel to maintain the best performance levels.