King receives Lebanese PM

22 January 2006

His Majesty King Abdullah on Sunday said Jordan was keen to solve issues between Lebanon and Syria through dialogue.

At a meeting here with Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora, King Abdullah urged more cooperation with the UN investigation into the assassination of former premier Rafiq Hariri.

The King told Siniora that Lebanon's unity was significant, calling on Lebanese parties to resolve their differences. Siniora arrived Sunday to co-chair with Prime Minister Marouf Bakhit the meetings of Jordanian-Lebanese Higher Committee, which began today.

The King described ties between the two countries as "distinguished," saying that Jordan seeks stronger relations with Lebanon in all fields.

For his part, Siniora briefed the King on his country's stand on issues with Syria as well as the Lebanese internal situation.

He said he appreciated Jordan's support.

In statements to the press at the Prime Ministry, Siniora said the outcome of his meeting with King Abdullah was "very good," adding that he listened to the King's "important ideas" on several issues.

The Jordan Times