King Receives Japanese Official

03 September 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II expressed Jordan's appreciation for the support provided by Japan to Jordan's economy as well as the developmental projects being implemented by the government.

During a meeting with Deputy Speaker of the Japanese Parliament Kozo Watanabe, His Majesty praised the distinguished relations between Jordan and Japan, affirming Jordan's keenness to develop them in all fields.

King Abdullah also reviewed the tragic situation in the Palestinian lands as well as the suffering of the Palestinian people caused by the Israeli occupation and practices.

During the meeting which was attended by Chief of the Royal Court Fayez Tarawneh as well as the Japanese ambassador in Amman, His Majesty noted possibilities for Japan to help the Palestinians and peoples of the region to achieve economic development with a view to bring about security and stability to the region.

King Abdullah underlined the need for concerted international efforts to end violence and resume peace negotiations based on the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions 242, 338 and 1397, the Arab peace initiative and the US president's speech on the Middle East. " A comprehensive settlement for the Arab-Israeli conflict can be achieved through ending the Israeli occupation, establishing a Palestinian state and restoring Arab rights," he said.

King Abdullah and the Japanese official also discussed the Iraqi issue.

Both sides affirmed the importance of solving this issue through dialogue and diplomatic means that guarantee the implementation of UN Security council resolutions and putting an end to the embargo imposed on Iraq.

Watanabe expressed Japan's appreciation to Jordan's role as well as efforts being exerted by His Majesty to achieve peace, stability and security in the region. " Japan is keen to promote its relations with Jordan especially in the economic and parliamentary fields," he said.