King Receives Heads of States, International Officials and Businessmen

22 June 2003

His majesty King Abdullah II met on Sunday with Afghani President Hamid Karazi, who is participating in the World Economic Forum.

During the meeting, the two leaders discussed the bilateral relations between the two countries and a number of issues facing the Islamic World.

The King and Karazi affirmed the importance of clearing up the image of Islam, its tolerance and its rejection to terrorism and violence The King affirmed his support to Afghani government's efforts in keeping security and stability and the restoration of normal life in Afghanistan.

For his part, Karazi praised Jordan's stands towards the Islamic nations issues, indicating that Jordan is a model country to the Islamic world in its moderation, dialogue and tolerance.

He also expressed his deep thanks and appreciation to the King and the people of Jordan for their support to Afghani people through the field military hospital which provides medical services to the Afghani people.

On the other hand, the King received on Sunday EU Commissioner for External Relations Christopher Patten. During the meeting, the two sides reviewed the Jordanian- European relations and the latest political developments in the region especially the peace process.

Patten expressed his hope that the Quartet Committee's meeting at the Dead Sea will form an additional step that paves the way towards implementing the Roadmap.

In addition, the King met with Secretary General of NATO Lord Robertson who is participating the Forum.

In atmosphere of openness and clarity, His Majesty King Abdullah II and a number of distinguished scholars representing various international institutions concern with political and economic interest exchanged views on current issues.

The King explained to the scholars that this meeting opens new horizons of cooperation, exchanging views and providing cooperation opportunities between Jordan and their institutions. The King pointed out that dialogue and international partnership are the bases of building trust and cooperation among nations.

In his response to the Participants' questions, the King reviewed Jordan's expertise based on economic and political openness within the economic transformation program and to enhance the march pursued by the government.

The King said that the economic and political reforms help to go ahead in achieving the distinguished accomplishments in the various fields.

The King also talked about the Parliamentary elections which was held a week ago in participation of different political spectra affirming that the percentage of balloting which reached 58% indicates the keenness and interest of the Jordanian people in deep rooting and enhancing democracy.

The King noted that the elections' results brought young deputies to the Parliament represent the whole society.

The King also stressed that Jordan supports Arab brethren in Palestine and Iraq and will work in cooperation with our friends to reconstruct Iraq and reach to a settlement that leads to establish a Palestinian state.

On the other hand, the King met with a number of pioneering businessmen in the fields of economics and business.

The King reviewed Jordan's expertise of the economic openness through pack of proposals taken by the government to create Suitable investment environment for Arab and foreign investors.

The King noted to the economic reforms which has been taken in Jordan over the past three years and formed an opportunity to attract international investments to the Kingdom.