King Receives Cables of Congratulations

19 January 2005

His Majesty King Abdullah II received on Wednesday cables of congratulation from Presidents and Emirs of Arab and Islamic countries on the occasion of the advent of Eid Al Adha.

Senders wished the King continued good health and happiness and
the people of Jordan further progress and prosperity.

The king received cables from Egyptian President Mohammad Hosni
Mubarak, Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, Tunisian President
Zein Al Abidein Ben Ali, Syrian President Bashar Assad, Emir of
Kuwait Jabber Al Sabah, Emir of Qatar Hamad Ben Khalifa Al Thani,
President of the PNA Mahmoud Abbas, President of Uzbekistan Islam

The King also received cables from Arab Emirs and senior
officials, Prime Minister President of the Senate, Lower House
Speaker, President of the judicial council, Advisor to the king and
Director of the Public Intelligence Department, King's Advisor for
Islamic Affairs, Mayor of Amman, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff and Directors of the PSD and CDD.