King, Queen meet with families of terror victims

15 November 2005

Their Majesties King Abdullah and Queen Rania on Tuesday met with the families of the victims of the November 9 terrorist attacks on three Amman hotels.

At a Royal Court meeting, King Abdullah told the families of the victims that the courage, unity and solidarity Jordanians showed sent a strong message to the terrorists that they have no place in the Kingdom.

"The pain you felt for the loss of your beloved ones, who were killed for no crime they committed, was shared by all Jordanians, regardless of their origins or religions," the King said.

"The cowardly crime proved to the entire world that Jordanians are strong at difficult times and that terrorists advocate wrong and misleading ideas."

His Majesty the King reiterated that Islam rejects such hideous acts, which are against its noble values of moderation, tolerance and peace.

He told the victims' families that Jordan emerged from the plight stronger than ever, voicing his confidence that Jordanians will defeat false ideologies embraced by terrorists.

King Abdullah also praised the competence of the security services and their ability to identify the terrorist cell that perpetrated the attacks "in record time."

The King said the fact that the attackers were Iraqis will not affect the historical relations that bind Jordan and Iraq. He urged the world community to join ranks to defeat terrorism and help Iraqis rid themselves of the crimes committed by terrorists.

For their part, the victims' families said the sympathy and support shown by the King and Queen have eased their suffering and pain.

A relative of one of the victims presented a copy of the Holy Koran to the King.

The Jordan Times