King Orders an Urgent Aid to be Dispatched to Iran

26 December 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II ordered that an urgent aid to be dispatched to Iraq after it was hit by an earthquake, which clamed the lives of over six thousand people and wounded 30 thousand.

His Majesty sent a cable to Iranian President Mohammad Khatemi expressing his heartfelt condolences over the victims of the earthquake.

The King affirmed Jordan's standing by brothers in Iran especially in this ordeal.
Secretary General of the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization Abdel Salaam Abadi said that the Organization will implement the King's
order and send the aid to those who suffered from the earthquake.

In a statement to Jordan News Agency, Abadi said that the
Organization in coordination with the Iranian Embassy in Jordan will
send the aid, including tents, blankets, foodstuffs and medical requirements,
to Iran.