King Opens Talks with Congolese President

16 September 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II and President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Joseph Kabila on Monday opened talks focusing on ways to enhance bilateral cooperation particularly in the economic field.

President Kabila expressed his country's willingness to strengthen ties of cooperation with Jordan and to forge trade and investment cooperation between the private sectors in both countries. To that end the two countries agreed to establish diplomatic relations.

The talks, which were attended by HRH Prince Faisal Bin Al Hussein, Prime Minister, Royal Court Chief and a number of cabinet ministers and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, touched upon the current situation in the Middle East and efforts to promote peace stability and development in Congo.

The King and President Kabila attended the signing of an agreement covering economic, scientific and technical cooperation between the two countries. The agreement was signed by Planning Minister Basem Awad Allah and his Congolese counterpart.

The King and President Kabila also attended the signing of a memo of understanding designed to encourage joint investment and expanding economic cooperation. Industry and Trade Minister Salah Edin al-Bashir signed the memo for Jordan and Congolese Planning and Construction Minister signed it on behalf of his country.

King Abdullah later held a dinner banquet at Raghdan Palace in honour of President Kabila and his delegation.