King meets with Sharon, reiterates Palestinian rights

19 February 2004

A Royal Court official source said that proceeding from Jordan's keenness on using its contacts and relations with Israel to prevent it from taking unilateral steps that would affect the rights and future of the Palestinian people to establish their independent state on the occupied Palestinian territories, His Majesty King Abdullah II, Thursday, paid a short visit to Israel and met with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

The source said that the King's talks with Sharon came within the framework of Jordan's keenness on stressing the Palestinian people's rights and rejection to any unilateral steps that would demolish any future Palestinian state and evacuate Palestinians out of their territories.

During his talks with Sharon, His Majesty reiterated that implementation of the roadmap is the sole solution to ensure the rights of all and to achieve a just and comprehensive peace in the region, the source clarified.

Under the light of Egyptian contacts during the past days concerning Sharon's plan to withdraw from Gaza, and in order to avoid making such withdrawal an alternative to the roadmap, which stipulated on Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian territories occupied in 1967, as well as establishment of a Palestinian state on these territories, Jordan has carried out intensive contacts with all international powers, including USA, Europe and Russia in order to urge Israel implement its commitments stipulated by the roadmap, the source said.

His Majesty Highlighted the necessity of the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza be a step towards a full Israeli withdrawal from all Palestinian territories, not only a tactical one that seeks evacuating settlements in Gaza and settlers to the West Bank, the source affirmed.

It pointed out that His Majesty urged the Israeli government to release, as soon as possible, the rest of Jordanian prisoners in Israeli prisons.

Realizing the Palestinian people's daily suffering and the volume of dangers they are exposed to, Jordan is completely keen to use all means in order to stop de-facto policies, and to find out a comprehensive and just solution for the Palestinian issue, the source concluded.