King Meets Nonaligned Ministers & Iceland Foreign Minister

02 June 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II met at the Royal Court a number of nonaligned foreign ministers for talks on the latest developments in the Palestinian areas in light of the ongoing international efforts to restart the Middle East peace process.

During his meeting with foreign ministers of Indonesia, Malaysia, Mauritius, South Africa and Zimbabwe and the Indian Minister of Mineral Resources, King Abdullah stressed the need to mobilize international efforts to back the Palestinian people and help fulfill their hopes for liberation and independence and the establishment of their independent state on their national soil.

King Abdullah hailed the nonaligned ministers' step to meet Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and called for adopting an international stand in support of Palestinian rights.

During the meeting, which was attended by Royal Court Chief, King Abdullah said the present international peace proposals and ideas should be based the Security Council resolutions and should be governed by a defined and clear time frame.

In another development, King Abdullah met Foreign Minister of Iceland Haldur Asfermoon, currently visiting Jordan in the course of a regional tour.

Talks during the meeting focused on Arab and international efforts to end the cycle of violence between the Palestinians and Israelis. Talks also covered ways to develop bilateral relations in all fields.