King Meets Members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly

01 October 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II affirmed during a meeting in Paris on Wednesday, with members of the French National Assembly, the importance of France's relations with the Middle East peoples which are based on mutual confidence and respect.

The King described the relations of France with the Middle East as important, noting that this friendly country has a balanced vision that gives hope to all peoples of the region, particularly the Palestinians.

His Majesty also reviewed efforts that aim at reinvigorating the peace process, stressing that there is no alternative at this stage to the roadmap which has been sanctioned by the international community.

Talks During the meeting, which was also attended by the ministers of the Hashemite Royal Court and foreign affairs as well as Jordan's ambassador to France, dealt with the situation in Iraq.

King Abdullah underlined the importance of the European and US cooperation to issue an international resolutions on the future of Iraq that receives the approval of all.

His Majesty also stressed the need to transfer the authority to the Iraqis as soon as possible, through free elections that lead to the formation of a national Iraqi government that represents all the Iraqi spectra.