King meets German parliamentarians, representatives of think tanks

17 October 2023

His Majesty King Abdullah on Tuesday met with heads of parliamentary blocs and committees, and heads and representatives of German think tanks at Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, in Berlin, Germany.

King Abdullah warned against pushing a new wave of refugees, stressing that the forced displacement of Palestinians from their lands cannot be allowed because it will have disastrous effects on the region.

Stressing the need to end the war on Gaza, which has taken the lives of many unarmed innocent civilians, His Majesty also warned that more lives will be lost if the international community and international actors do not take action.

The King highlighted the need to allow the entry of humanitarian and relief aid, and to resume supply of water, food, medicine, and electricity to Gazans, warning that blocking these services is a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law.

His Majesty reiterated that there is no other option but the political solution and to work toward relaunching the peace process, on the basis of the two-state solution, guaranteeing the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 4 June 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The King warned that the alternative to a political solution will be the absence of security and stability, and the spread of violence, destruction, and chaos.

For their part, attendees commended His Majesty’s efforts, describing him as a symbol of hope and a voice of reason and wisdom, highlighting Jordan’s important role in regional stability, and its leading role in working toward achieving peace.

Participants also said they look forward to seeing an important role for Germany in enhancing regional security and stability, in partnership with Jordan.