King Meets with Arab- Asian Leaderships

25 February 2004

His Majesty King Abdullah II met on Wednesday with the Arab Business Council and affirmed that the development and reform march should emanate from the Arab nations' willingness to adapt with the state of the Arab world and the challenges confronting it.

The King stressed the vital role of the representatives of the private sector in the Arab world in supporting the socio- economic reform process.

During the meeting, which was attended by Minister of the Royal Court Samir Rifa'i and Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Basem Awadallah, President and members of the Council reviewed before the King the plan of implementing the document of the Arab economic reform priorities, adopted during the World Economic Forum in Davos, held last month.

The King stressed his support for the Council's efforts which aim at promoting cooperation amongst the Arab countries, he also pointed to the importance of the Arab governments' support for the private sector's efforts which aim at enhancing the sustainable economic development in the Arab World.

President of the Council Shafiq Juber expressed his hope that
the next Arab Summit, which will be held in Tunisia next March, will
adopt the document of the economic reform priorities.

Members of the Council hoped that King Abdullah II will patronize
their upcoming meeting, scheduled to be held during the deliberations
of the World Economic Forum at the Dead Sea next May.

On the other hand, His Majesty outlined before representatives
of Asian IT and telecommunications and cars' manufacturing companies
scopes of cooperation between the Asian and Jordanian sides in these

The King affirmed his support for the investment in the human
resources for the IT and telecommunications sector in Jordan.

In addition His Majesty King Abdullah met with representatives
of the Asian cars' manufacturing sectors with a view to pave the way
for the Jordanian private sector to benefit from the Asian experiment
in this field.

His Majesty affirmed Jordan's keenness and seriousness to
establish cars' manufacturing in Jordan.