King Instructs Speeding Up the Implementation of Water Projects

26 August 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II instructed on Tuesday the officials in water sector to speed up the implementation of the water projects which would improve the water situation in Jordan and prevent water resources from waste.

During his visit on Tuesday to the Ministry of Water and Irrigation to look into the projects in progress and projects which will be implemented in the future, the King praised the work plan of the ministry.

The King also instructed the officials to accelerate achieving the stage of the environmental and social studies of Al Bahrain Canal Project, for it is being very important in the economic and environmental fields.

The King called the Ministry of Planning to support water projects through directing assistance and foreign grants for this vital sector.

Minister of Water and Irrigation Hazem Naser briefed the King on the water projects and the institutional, administrative and financial measures taken by the ministry to improve the extended services to citizens in the fields of water, sewerage and other related issues.

Regarding Disi Water Project, Naser said that the ministry received two offers which are being technically assessed, noting that the total cost of implementing this project, which will secure 100 million cubic meter of water to the capital and the south region, is about JD 420 million.

Naser added that the ministry will extend, as a result of the projects being implemented, the period of the pumping drinkable water to citizens from 24 to 48 hours specially in Amman, Zarqa and Madaba.

In press statements, after the meeting, Naser said that the Royal directives dealt with the subject of tourism investment on the Eastern beach of the Dead Sea.

"The Ministry of Water signed this year agreements, at the cost of $ 250 million, with American, UAE, Egyptian and British companies to set up hotels, and tourism facilities," Naser said.