King Holds Talks with Officials Participating in the Islamic Summit

16 October 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II held, on Thursday, a series of talks with leaders and officials participating in the Islamic Conference Summit, currently held in the administrative capital of Malaysia, Putrajaya.

The King met with Sultan Hassan Bolkiah of Brunei, Deputy of the Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi and Kuwait Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Ahmad Sabah, and discussed with them Jordan's relations with Brunei, Malaysia and Kuwait and means of enhancing them in all fields.

Talks also covered the current situation of the Islamic World and the Summit's agenda.

During his Majesty's talks with the Malaysian Official, the two sides stressed the importance of activating the Jordanian - Malaysian ties, particularly in the economic and cultural fields.

The King also expressed Jordan's keenness to succeed the summit and to come up with resolutions that support the Islamic solidarity and enhance the Islamic brotherly ties.