King Holds Talks with Croatian President

18 November 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II on Monday held talks with Croatian President Stegban Mesk on bilateral relations and development of events in the region.

The King's talks with Croatian President, who arrived in Amman earlier on the day on a two-hour visit to Jordan, focused on ways to boost economic and trade ties between Jordan and Croatia and touched upon regional developments including the situation in the Palestinian areas and efforts to revive the Middle East peace process.

During the talks which attended by Royal Court Chief, Foreign Minister and Planning Minister, the two reached an agreement whereby a Croatian delegation led by Foreign Minister will visit Jordan next month for talks on ways to activate bilateral agreements between the two countries particularly in the fields of IT, tourism and construction.

Similarly, a Jordanian delegation will visit Croatia in the near future to discuss ways to launch cooperation between the private sector's organizations in the two countries.

King Abdullah welcomed the Croatian firms participation in investment projects in Jordan particularly in energy and water sectors as well as in development projects at Aqaba Special Economic Zone.

The Croatian President, who was accompanied by a number of cabinet members and senior advisors, highly appreciated Jordan's economic achievements and hoped for further economic cooperation with Jordan.

He also expressed thanks to Jordanian armed forces for their contribution within the international peace keeping forces in Croatia in early 1990s.

Jordan and Croatia reached two agreements on economic cooperation and investment protection in 1999.