King Highlights Importance of Supporting Palestinian Leadership

12 January 2005

His Majesty King Abdullah II has averred on Wednesday the importance of supporting the elected Palestinian leadership in its efforts to rekindle peace negotiation with a view to establish an independent viable Palestinian state.

During the meeting today with Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Gianfranco Fini, King Abdullah affirmed the precise implementation of road map by Palestinian and Israeli sides is the only outlet to put an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and entrench a true peace.

The King underlined the Italian assistance offered to Jordan helped succeed the reforming programs executing in Jordan in various fields and aims to enhance the sustainable development process.

Discussions also focused on the latest developments in Iraq. The King underscored the international community should hold its responsibility to help bring security and stability all over Iraq and all Iraqi spectra participate in the planned elections.

Fini noted the current circumstance is good to revive peace negotiation between Palestinians and Israelis. He affirmed that his country works hard to support the peace efforts that help bring peace and stability to the region.

He also averred that his country is keen to bolster its relations with Jordan in different spheres. He cited the King's recent visit to Italy helped cement the bilateral cooperation, particularly in economic arena.

Attending the meeting were Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Prime Ministry Affairs and Government Performance Marwan Muasher, Minister of Royal Court Samir Al Rafai, and Italian Ambassador to Amman.