King extends condolences to family of martyr Dalabeeh, stresses firmness in dealing with violence against state, public property

16 December 2022

His Majesty King Abdullah and His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal on Friday extended condolences to the family of martyr Colonel Abdulrazzaq Dalabeeh, deputy police director of Maan Governorate.
King Abdullah reaffirmed that violence against the state, vandalism of public property, and violating Jordanians’ rights will be dealt with firmly, stressing that assaults and acts of vandalism are dangerous threats to national security and will not be tolerated.
His Majesty expressed deepest sympathies and condolences to Dalabeeh’s family, describing him as the son of all Jordanians and adding, “we will not rest until the criminal is brought to justice”.
“We will not tolerate violence against our security personnel, who work day and night to protect Jordan and Jordanians,” the King stressed.
His Majesty acknowledged Jordanians’ difficult economic conditions and their right to peaceful self-expression within the law, highlighting that state institutions will take all measures to hold outlaws to account.
Royal Hashemite Court Chief Yousef Issawi and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Maj. Gen. Yousef Hneiti accompanied the King.