King Describes Talks with Bush as Constructive

05 December 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II said of the talks He held with the American President George Bush as constructive. In a televised interview, the King said that all views exchanged with the American President concerning the Palestinian and Iraqi issues were constructive.

The King added that the matter requires more coordinated efforts among us to reach what we want on the ground.

The King affirmed that there is no alternative to roadmap,
which states that Arabs, Palestinians and Israelis should do what
it should be done to achieve peace, noting that there are a lot of
difficulties on the ground and we should enable Palestinian Prime
Minister Ahamad Qureia' to have a dialogue with his Israeli counterpart
with a view of reaching an agreement on the various issues.

Responding to a question on the historic speech delivered
by His Majesty before the Parliament, the King said we are proceeding
in the reform process and we shall not take the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict as a pretext to prevent civil liberties and conducting political,
economic and social reforms.

The King expressed hope over reaching a common understanding
between East and West, and said " We are very optimistic since there
has been an interaction between the Islamic and Christian cultures
for centuries".

"The extremists want a clash between the two cultures and
want people to be suspicious and want to instill hatred," the King

The King asked, "will we allow a minority of extremists around
the world to fear the people?" adding that future is ours and we would
not have fought for peace if we do not have faith in it, so we must
always be optimistic.