King confident in new gov't

28 November 2005

His Majesty King Abdullah on Monday expressed his confidence in the newly-formed government of Prime Minister Marouf Bakhit and its ability to shoulder responsibilities.

During a visit to the Prime Ministry, King Abdullah said he was satisfied with the makeup of the government.

“I sensed relief among ordinary people... This means that this government will be up to the challenges facing us,” the King said.

King Abdullah reiterated the need to work “in full partnership and a spirit of teamwork to achieve the higher national interests.”

He particularly pointed out to responsibilities shouldered by the economic team in the Cabinet to help alleviate poverty and unemployment.

“This team's role is important,” he said. “I think we are on the right track to achieve a solution for poverty and unemployment.”

In light of the rise in the prices of commodities, the government should “pay attention and support citizens,” King Abdullah told the Cabinet, expressing “absolute confidence in the government's ability to improve the situation and secure a better future for Jordanians.”

During the meeting, King Abdullah described Jordan's ties with Arab countries as “very important and in their best shape.”

“We will build on these good relations and draw plans to strengthen them,” he said.

The King, meanwhile, stressed the importance of striking a balance between reform and security.

“Our policy is clear: We will not be deterred by the bombings that occurred in Amman to move forward,” he said, adding that it is very important to protect the Kingdom, while at the same time develop the country politically and socio-economically.

King Abdullah also said Jordan needs feasible and clear strategies and policies for the coming “one, two or three years,” stressing that the National Agenda will be helpful as a future action programme.

Bakhit said his team will immediately set up ministerial committees to work on various aspects of reform. Priority will be given, he said, to drafting vital laws governing elections, political parties and municipalities.

The government also needs to work as soon as possible on other important laws on the budget, professional associations, combating terrorism and fighting corruption.

According to the premier, “the government will follow in the King's footsteps and reach out to people everywhere.”

The Jordan Times