King Approves Human Resources Development Plan

21 May 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Tuesday agreed on the recommendations of the National Committee for Development of National Resources proceeding from the Consultative Economic Council (CEC).

King Abdullah II, who chaired CEC meeting to day in the Hashemite Royal Court, gave instructions to form follow up technical committees to set, in cooperation with the Royal Court's Economic Department, mechanisms of implementing the recommendations of the plan and hold a comprehensive national conference to approve the national strategy on higher education and scientific research, as well as adoption of proper policies for this sector during coming summer.

Prime Minister Ali Abul Ragheb, who attended the meeting, hailed the national committee's efforts. He pointed out to the necessity of linking the educational process's outcome with the needs of Labour market . What we have achieved till now is just a base for a greater development effort, he said. The government is going to start considering the needs of local community in the public universities, Abul Ragheb said.