King and Blair Hold Talks

02 March 2004

Within the frame of his Majesty's European tour, King Abdullah II held talks on Tuesday with British Prime Minister,Tony Blair, on pushing the peace process forward and stopping the cycle of violence in Palestine.

Following the talks, which were attended by King's Adviser for Security Affairs/ Director of the General Intelligence Department Gen. Saad Kheir, Minister of the Royal Court Samer Refai, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs/ Minister of Trade and Industry Muhammad Halaiqa, and Jordan's Ambassador to London Taymour Daghestani, His Majesty stated to the reporters that Britain is a part of Europe and the international community and it works to achieve hope and better life for the Palestinians and Israelis.

His Majesty denounced the crime which took place in Iraq today and led to the killing a huge number of the Iraqi people. "The international community and we will not allow for such things to happen and we will stand firmly by the Iraqi victims, and support both Shiites and Sunnites to overcome all obstacles imposed by the extremists", the King added.

Tony Blair, on his part expressed his thanks over King Abdullah's efforts to establish peace in the Middle East. He noted that majority of Iraqi people are working to build stabile, democratic and prosperous Iraq.