King Affirms Importance of Free Elections in Palestine & Iraq

14 December 2004

His Majesty King Abdullah affirmed the importance of holding free elections in Palestine and Iraq stressing the importance of the support of the international community and the United Nations to the peoples of the two countries at this important stage.

During his meeting on Tuesday with the Japanese parliament spokesperson Yohi Kono, the king said that the Palestinian cause is the core of conflict in the region adding that unsolving it will lead to the continuation of the cycle of violence in the region and the world.

The king further affirmed that reaching a comprehensive, sustainable and balanced solution of the Palestinian cause will enable all to move forward in building a bright future and achieve welfare to the peoples of the region.

His Majesty called for working on guaranteeing the security and stability of Iraq to reach comprehensive Iraqi elections which would result in an Iraqi government that represents all the segments of the Iraqi people.

His Majesty stressed the importance of continuing the Japanese support to Jordan in its developmental march which helps Jordan to play its role in supporting the stability in the region.

The parliament spokesperson appreciated the King's efforts in clearing the real image of the conflict issues in the Middle East and his continuous peaceful efforts. He also hailed the king's efforts to clear out the real image of Islam.

King Abdullah also met with Chief Counselor Shekagi Oggi where he affirmed the importance of Japan's role in the region on the economic and political levels. The king called Japan to continue its aid for the Iraqis and pointed that Jordan is considered a center for providing aid and services to Iraq.

The Chief Counselor on her part hailed Jordan's efforts in releasing the Japanese hostages in Iraq. She also hailed Jordan's reforms in the various fields and expressed keenness on enhancing bilateral relations.

The King also met with the Japanese Foreign Minister and members of the Jordanian-Japanese friendship society.

The king also met with Japanese businessmen where he briefed them on the possibilities of investment in Jordan.

Upon concluding his visit to Japan, the King headed on Tuesday to Singapore for a three-day working visit.