King Addresses Summit

25 February 2004

His Majesty King Abdullah expressed hope that the Arab private sector would benefit from the experience of the New Asian Leaders in organizing themselves as a group of rising economic leaderships and in developing their work within a relatively short period.

King Abdullah added in his address to the first Arab-Asian economic
summit that the aim of focus of such meetings is to establish a
dialogue to enhance the relation between the private sectors in the
Arab world and Asia and develop forums for economic and social cooperation
and integration between these two regions.

The king affirmed that the current summit meetings provide a unique
opportunity for the youth and new leaders who have projects in both
regions to present a new plan that establishes stable initiatives
and programs for cooperation.

The king pointed to the coming meetings of the Economic World Forum
which will be held at the Dead Sea in Jordan saying that it will enhance
relations between the New World Leaders(NAL) and the Arab Business
Council (ABC) which are both founded within the context of the World
Economic Forum.

The King expressed hope that NAL and ABC would cooperate to gain
the support of the Arab governments to help in achieving the desired
progress because reform happens in two directions and affirmed that
the private sector must motivate the governments to work and open
horizons for such a progress.

The king pointed that the ABC, as a representative of the Arab private
sector, has presented its vision for the priorities of reforms needed
on the Arab level to achieve sustainable development and this was
adopted in Davos last month. The priorities include freeing economy
in a way that guarantees increasing inter-Arab trade and the size
of Arab investments in the region and developing human resources especially
in the field of education.

The king hoped that the reform stemming from inside the Arab world
would receive the support of the eight industrial countries.

The NAL has granted 46 scholarships and training course for Jordanians
and the king announced that similar initiatives will be provided to
the companies participating in the initiative towards Jordan to acknowledge
it progress in the various fields.