King address 69th General Assembly of the United Nations

New York
24 September 2014

In His Majesty King Abdullah’s remarks at the Plenary Session of the 69th General Assembly of the United Nations, attended by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II King Abdullah called for a comprehensive approach to address the security situation in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, adding that Jordan supports a united and stable Iraq, with an inclusive, national political process.

In Syria, the King said, there must be a political solution based on reforms that give all communities a role in rebuilding their country.

In the context of Jordan’s interfaith and interfaith harmony efforts, His Majesty announced that the Kingdom, which is currently a member of the UN Security Council (UNSC), will suggest a draft resolution that will label violations like “the aberrant new crimes against religious communities seen recently in Syria and Iraq” as genocide and crimes against humanity.