King Abdullah II Speaks to the Nation

15 August 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II on Thursday said that parliamentary elections will be held next spring. He stressed his confidence in the Jordanian citizens' awareness pertaining election of their representatives to the parliament, those who are known for their loyalty, knowledge and efficiency.

The King highlighted keenness that the elections will be fair and free and representing the citizens' will.

In a comprehensive speech to the nation, His Majesty said that since the first day of the Israeli offensive against Palestinian cities and villages, his efforts focused on contacting the effective countries of the world and to urge Israel end its occupation.

His Majesty affirmed to the leaders of these countries that the Israeli occupation is the cause of conflict in the region, and that the Palestinian people is the sole party that can choose their leadership and take their national decisions.

His Majesty pointed out that the Jordanian option is completely rejected . Jordan will neither be, in any case, an alternative to the Palestinian leadership, nor a party in settling the Palestinian cause, and it will not speak on behalf of the Palestinian people, His Majesty said.

King Abdullah II urged for settlement of the Iraqi issue through dialogue with UN instead of threat of using force. He affirmed that Jordan' voice has been the loudest and the most effective in the western world that calls for ending Iraq's suffering and respecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity.