King Abdullah II receives French Foreign Minister

07 July 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah II Sunday received French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin, where he affirmed necessity of rapid move to release peace negotiations and end the serious situation in the Palestinian territories.

His Majesty King Abdullah II and Villepin stressed the importance to transform the final outcome and time table of negotiations into a rapid working plan to end the Palestinian people's suffering.

They affirmed that ending Israeli occupation and establishment of independent Palestinian state on Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 should come as an inevitable outcome of the coming peace negotiations.

The talks focused also on bilateral relations between the two countries and means of boosting them further.

During the meeting, Villepin stressed his country's support to ease Jordan's debts. He pointed out that Franc will support the Kingdom's position during Paris Club countries meetings due to take place this week, where Jordan's debts reschedule is expected to be discussed.

Following the meeting, Villepin told PETRA that his discussions with His Majesty focused on development of economic and political relations between the two countries. He branded relations with Jordan as remarkable and solid.

Concerning the situation in the Palestinian territories, Villepin said that the situation is very serious. We have to quickly and actively move, he said. He pointed out that the EU recent declaration strongly supports the peace process and convening an international peace conference.

We believe that following President Bush's speech and the Arab peace initiative unity of positions is very important for peace opportunities in the region, he concluded.