King Abdullah II holds talks in Riyadh

04 February 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II and Custodian of the Holy Mosques King Fahad Bin Abdul Aziz Tuesday held talks, within the framework of consultation and coordination of efforts between the two brotherly countries, on bilateral relations, backlashes of the Iraqi crisis and the situation on the Palestinian territories.

Earlier, His Majesty and Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz expressed the necessity to use all possible means in order to defuse war.

During their talks today, they stressed the importance of Iraq's full cooperation with international inspectors, and the importance of solving this issue under the UN umbrella.

The talks focused on the situation on the Palestinian territories under the light of continued Israeli policy of escalation that inflicts suffering on the Palestinian people.

Talks of King Abdullah II and Crown Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz touched on the serious situation the Palestinian people are living under occupation. They stressed the importance of the commitment of all parties, which contributed to the road map, to work for implementation of the road map and giving it absolute priority.

His Majesty and Crown Prince Abdullah discussed also several bilateral issues.