King Abdullah Holds Talks with Deputy of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques

05 June 2002

His Majesty King Abdullah's talks with Deputy of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Prince Abdullah Bin Abdel Aziz of Saudi Arabia focused on ways to coordinate the two countries' stand and the Arab stand in general regarding the coming phase and the re-launching of the peace process in conformity with the Arab standpoint.

King Abdullah and Prince Abdullah underlined the necessity to crystallize a united Arab position concerning the ideas and proposals being put forward to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict.

During the meeting, which was attended by the delegation accompanying King Abdullah and senior Saudi officials, the two leaders see that any effort or initiative designed to end the current crisis in the area and based on the Arab vision and the Security Council resolutions will receive every possible support from the Arab states. The talks also covered bilateral relations and means of boasting them in all fields.

Foreign Minister Marwan Muasher said the King's visit comes within the continuous coordination and consultation between the two brotherly countries . Coordination between the two countries is very strong at present and there views were identical with regard to the projected international conference on Middle East peace, Muasher told reporters following the talks.

Jordan, he added, highly appreciates the outcome of recent visit by Prince Abdullah to the United States. The visit was vital in pushing the U.S. position to reconcile with of the Arabs, he added.