His Majesty King Abdullah II Returns Home

21 October 2003

His Majesty King Abdullah II retuned home on Tuesday after a several-day visit which took him to Singapore, Malaysia, Oman and UAE.

In Malaysia King Abdullah participated in the tenth session of the Islamic Summit Conference, where he addressed the conference saying that " time has come for us Moslems, to tell the world that we are ourselves victims of terrorism, that we are targeted like them, if not more."

"In fact distorting the image of Islam and provoking the world's animosity against it, and placing us in a pre-convicted circle, is in itself, the most hideous form of terrorism."

On the sideline of the conference His Majesty held a series of meetings with Islamic, and discussed with them cooperation between Jordan and their own countries.

In Singapore the King addressed the 12th Economic Summit for Eastern Asia, saying "we in Jordan will not wait till regional peace is achieved to start shaping our future, we are busy in dynamic internal reform plan started several years ago and now it moving forward rapidly as our main target is establishing a civil and democratic society that embraces all people and ensures a promising future for our young generation who represents our future.

The King also held talks with Singaporean President S. R. Nathan, on ways to further develop bilateral relations mainly in economic fields.

King Abdullah also briefed members of the World Economic Business Forum on opportunities available in Jordan in different fields.

In Oman King Abdullah, discussed with His Majesty Sultan Qaboos relations between the two countries and the latest regional issues.

During his visit to UAE, His Majesty received award of E-business, where he stressed the need to enhance inter-Arab relations and cooperation and prepares plans for establishing regional Arab software union.