Letter to Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh accepting the resignation of his cabinet, entrusts it to continue as caretaker government

From King Abdallah II of Jordan
15 September 2024

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful,


Your Excellency Dr. Bisher Khasawneh,

Peace, God’s mercy and blessings be upon you,


I extend to you and your fellow ministers my greetings of pride and appreciation for your service to our beloved Jordan.

As the Cabinet has submitted its resignation, I thank you and your ministerial team for your efforts and keenness to carry out your duties throughout your service.

You were tasked with leading the Government during the years of the COVID pandemic, which left severe repercussions on the national economy. Our greatest concern was the safety of our citizens, and that our health sector would remain, as always, effective and cohesive, providing the best services to the public. The Government has worked to complete national efforts in this area.

The Government was also able to absorb the inflationary impact of global economic developments over the past several years and protect citizens from their difficult ramifications, adopting a prudent financial policy that maintained financial stability to function as a sound basis for development.

These circumstances did not deter us from moving forward in launching modernisation across the political, economic, and administrative tracks, and the Government and the committees formed for this purpose played a key role in putting it into action. Modernisation is the state's project at the beginning of its second centennial, and we are determined to continue implementing it, to serve Jordan and the Jordanian people.

The Government fulfilled its national responsibility in adopting the legislation endorsed by the Royal Committee to Modernise the Political System, under which the most recent parliamentary elections were held. The Government also prepared the executive programme for the Economic Modernisation Vision, and began implementing the roadmap for modernising the public sector.

I appreciate your Cabinet’s efforts in achieving tangible progress in several vital projects, including taking steps to develop public transportation by completing the project to connect Amman and Zarqa, in addition to concluding memoranda of understanding for the railway project, taking the necessary measures to implement the National Water Conveyance Project, and facilitating the launch of the 5G telecom services.

As I accept your resignation, I entrust you and the Cabinet to continue as caretaker Government, until the new Cabinet is formed and commences work.

My sincere thanks and appreciation to you and your fellow ministers, and you will remain a source of trust. May God Almighty protect you.


Peace, God’s mercy and blessings be upon you.


Your brother,

Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein

Amman, 15 September 2024