Third Hashemite Restoration - Emergency Restorations (1969–present)

The Minbar of Salah Al Din in Al Qibli Mosque in Al Aqsa Mosque/Al Haram Al Sharif suffered great damage when it was set on fire on 21 August 1969, by an Australian Zionist, Dennis Michael Rohan. The Minbar, which was made by Sultan Nur Al Din Zengi, was brought from Aleppo to Jerusalem by Salah Al Din after his liberation of Jerusalem from the Crusaders in 1187 CE. Its restoration was supervised and sponsored by His Majesty King Abdullah II and cost the Jordanian treasury $2.115 million. The Minbar was installed in its proper historic place in Al Aqsa Mosque/Al Haram Al Sharif on 2 February 2007. Other damages of the 1969 fire were also restored.