The Hashemites
The Flag of the Prophet (570-632 CE)
Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, had two flags — white and black — which have been mentioned and described in several literary sources. The author of “Al Sira Al Halabiyah” (The Aleppine Prophetic Biography) wrote, in reference to Badr Battle, that there were two banners, black and white, before the Prophet; one black, carried by Ali bin Abi Taleb, that was called Al Oqab; while the white flag was that of Al Ansar of Medina Munawara.
At the conquest of Mecca, in the year 8 Hijri, the white banner was carried through the gates of Mecca, alongside Arabs’ other flags. The two white and black banners were also used under the reign of the Rashidun Caliphs (632-661 CE), with the conquering armies carrying them in all their battles.