King attends ceremony to launch international advisory board to develop area surrounding Baptism Site

08 November 2021

His Majesty King Abdullah on Monday attended a ceremony to launch the international advisory board to develop the area surrounding the Baptism Site of Jesus Christ.
The board, formed last year, will provide a strategic vision to develop the site as a Christian pilgrimage station by enhancing infrastructure to accommodate additional pilgrims and other visitors from around the world, and establishing a pilgrims’ village with hotels, hospitality and a spiritual ceremonies area, in addition to developing agricultural parks and gardens in the areas surrounding the Baptism Site.
The board will oversee the development of these areas, while ensuring the protection of the Baptism Site as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The advisory board groups experts from around the world in development, tourism, cultural heritage, and hospitality, among other key fields.
The Baptism Site of Jesus Christ in Jordan, also known as Bethany Beyond the Jordan, is one of the most sacred places on earth for all Christians.
His Royal Highness Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad—His Majesty’s chief adviser for religious and cultural affairs and personal envoy and chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Baptism Site Commission—a number of senior officials and diplomats, and members of the board of the non-profit institution to develop the land adjacent to the Baptism Site attended the launch.